[ Calendar View ]
"; maroonFont ("
Click on any class title to read description, any location to register
"); // blueFont ("Arial","Click on any location to find school contact info
"); // blueFont ("Arial","Click on book icon to buy class materials."); $RowColor=SwapRowColor(); mysql_connect("$DBHost","$DBUser","$DBPass"); mysql_select_db("$DBName"); echo ""; // ========================= Setup # to display on page if (empty($offset) || $offset < 0) { $offset=0; } // ================== Get Count For Table =============== $result = mysql("$DBName","select * from Schedule WHERE InstructorID ='$InstID' AND DTG>'$nowDTG' order by DTG "); $rows=mysql_num_rows($result); $begin =($offset+1); $end = ($begin+($limit-1)); if ($end > $rows) { $end = $rows; } if ($rows==0){ echo ""; } elseif ($rows==1){ echo ""; } else { echo ""; } echo ''; // ===================Headings================= if ($rows!='0'){ echo ""; } // exit(); // ===================== Get Data ============= $result = mysql("$DBName","select * from Schedule WHERE InstructorID = '$InstID' AND DTG>'$nowDTG' order by DTG LIMIT $offset,$limit"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $InDTG=$row[0]; include("datefunction.php"); $startDate=date("D j M Y","$DTGMkTime"); $startTime=date("g:ia","$DTGMkTime"); // "$DTGMkTime outdate $outDate $outTime"; $EndDTG=$row[1]; $InDTG=$EndDTG; include("datefunction.php"); $endDate=date("D j M Y","$DTGMkTime"); $endTime=date("g:ia","$DTGMkTime"); // echo "$DTGMkTime $startDate $startTime-$endTime"; $Instructor=$row[2]; $CourseID=$row[3]; $Information=$row[4]; $SchoolID=$row[5]; $SchoolCourseID=$row[6]; // echo "SchoolID $SchoolID"; $schoolresult = mysql("$DBName","select * from Schools WHERE SchoolID='$SchoolID'"); while ($schoolrow = mysql_fetch_row($schoolresult)) { $School=$schoolrow[1]; $City=$schoolrow[6]; $State=$schoolrow[7]; } $EventID=$row[6]; if($CourseID){ $courseresult = mysql("$DBName","select * from Courses WHERE CourseID='$CourseID'"); while ($courserow = mysql_fetch_row($courseresult)) { $Event=$courserow[1]; } } $queryvar="&table=calendar&?menuid=6&ID=$ID"; $RowColor=SwapRowColor(); echo ""; // $i++; } echo ''; echo '
There are none found
There is only $rows found.
There are $rows found,"; echo " now showing $begin to $end.
IDDate & TimeSeminarLocation<
$Event$City, $State
'; // =============================================== Next/Previous echo ""; include('nextprevious.php'); echo ""; include("footer.php"); ?>