Steve Veltkamp, Biz$hop's president, spends a good part of
his time speaking to groups, leading seminars, and conducting
training. His talks are extremely informative and motivational.
Topics include starting your own business, home based business,
marketing for the small business, direct mail/mail order,
Internet marketing, and customer relations. He's also more than
ready to give a stimulating talk on trends pointing the way to
the future in public and private life.
Training for company employees and association members is available in customer service, entrepreneurial attitudes in a team situation, and human multi-tasking (doing many things at once without dropping the ball on any of them)
Don't take
our word - see what others say!
"Best class ever! " Bill P "Nice quick pace, positive tone, great leads for new sources & helpful letter of credit information....Nice style - clear, fast paced, knowledgable manner...Great the way it is!" Regan H "More useful information than expected...a lot of questions were covered...professional, with sense of humor and understandable manner...all the questions were answered - even more" Abuashvili M "Very knowledgable - enjoys what he's doing... great instructor!" Jayme O "Great kick! Get out there and do it message" Deek H "Steve's great, moved right along....gave me another boost and made it believable for me to do!...Give me more of the same!" L. Schultz "I am glad I found out about it.. what a wealth of information" Sue C "Worth the tuition for one idea - a great idea!" R Weise